Muslim student shot dead for ‘high on magic mushrooms’ in US

California: a 20-year old Muslim student was shot dead by United States (US) police for ‘threatening behaviour’, which, according to his friend was because he was ‘high on magic mushrooms’, thesenlive reported.


According to a witness, Feras Morad, 20, had taken magic mushrooms for the first time at a party and was reacting like a ‘bird with a broken wing’ in the Long Beach, California.

The witness said that after getting ‘high on magic mushrooms’, Morad became unresponsive and confused and was “asking friend what he was doing”, and jumped through a window of second-storey of a building.

The witness said that Morad received a “deep gash” upon falling from the second-storey building through the glasses and hitting the concrete below, after which his friends called on the police.

Upon the arrival of the police, Morad had completely last his consciousness and completely confused and unresponsive. The police first tasered the boy and subsequently shot him down, claiming that he was acting threateningly.

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